Today I posted the integration of the SFH Frame Elevation Designer within T.O.P.. This tool is so fast, I would highly recommend using it for Estimating as well as Submittals.
Now - when you double-click on the Frame "Elevation" field in the T.O.P. Door Schedule, you will be given the option to use the Lineal Foot tool, or launch the new Frame Elevation Designer. During launch, T.O.P. will pass in information about your opening from the Door Schedule (such as Opng Width & Height). Prior to seeing the Designer screen you might also be prompted to choose a Curries frame type (e.g. 3F, BL, SL etc). This information will be reflected on COW orders.
Once the Designer application opens, you can drag & stretch items to get the right size. Once you add a mullion and a sill the interior will be filled with "Glass". You can then right-click on the glass pane and choose "generate mullions". This is a very quick way to split the area into equal lites (e.g. 3 columns x 2 rows). You can also right-click a dimension an choose "Set Value To"...and choose a common dimension, or enter your own custom value.
This tool implements a Save & Exit feature (similar to the Door Designer) which takes you back to T.O.P..
You can then choose to Print your elevation(s) by going to the "Reports" tab. The report currently prints on 8-1/2 x 11 (letter size).