I just posted version 2.13.0601.1 of both ConfiguratorUI.dll and TOADCRT.exe.
Here's a list of updates:
Help menu now offers "Set Columns" which allows an admin to choose the sequence of columns and select visibility. This will override other user-specific settings and was designed for use on Terminal Servers. This feature requires an Unlock Key. Email [email protected] to obtain the key.
The View/Assign Templates has been hidden from configurator window. This feature was successfully prototyped...but never put into production.
For a long-time Alt+S has worked as a keyboard alternative to pressing the Save & Exit button on the Configurator screen. However, when this screen was "skinned" to match ePWS...the text was changed to "OK"...and the Alt+S was broken. Now in ePWS-mode you can use Alt+K as an alternative to pressing tke OK button.
cERP users that also run ePWS can now add an empty text file named "StyleAsPWS.txt" in CRT's program-data folder. This will force the configurator to be style in ePWS-mode when launched from cERP. This will provide consistency for users in this environment. The program-data folder is C:\ProgramData\TOADLLC\TOADCRT\.
Today's date will now automatically populate on the PO Details screen.
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